How To Make 2021 Incredibly Amazing!

Welcome to Daily Small Wins!

We are here to provide you with brief and concise tips and tools to further improve your productivity.

A good way to start the year is to finalize and put into action our goals and plans.

2020 has been very challenging and difficult for everyone due mainly to the Covid-19 pandemic we faced and currently facing.

However, we just need to embrace the coming year with hope and action to reach our goals.

In this e-mail series, I would like to share with you the Power of Goal Setting and how we can prepare our plans and goals for the coming 2021, and how we can have a bigger possibility to reach them.

What is a SMART Goal?

When creating your goals, they should be SMART.
S – Specific
M – Measurable
A – Achievable
R – Realistic
T – Time-bounded

Specific means that you are aiming for a definite and clear goal.

Dapat ang goal natin is maliwanag pa sa sikat nang araw ika nga J

Goals like I want to be rich or gusto ko yumaman is very broad. You should define how rich is rich?

The below goal is very specific on what he wants to achieve. Our goals should be very crystal clear in our minds and reflect clarify what we want to achieve.

SMART Goal Example:

I would like to have 1 million pesos before the end of 2021 is a very specific goal.

Measurable means that our goals must be quantifiable and is an indicator of whether we reach them or not. It could be in the form of a monetary target or a specific time and duration of its completion.

The intent is to have a clear and measurable target.

Having 1 million pesos as your goal is a clear indicator.

Achievable goals are not wishful thinking but well-planned and have definite actions for their accomplishment.

Do not wish for very broad and unrealistic goals like “world peace” or “to be happy” which is impossible to achieve and mainly you do not have control over it.

Your goals should reflect and represents your whole being, you need to own this and be the responsible individual for its achievement.

Realistic goal is not only achievable but also doable. If your plan is to climb Mt. Everest but lacks the experience and skills in mountain climbing, certainly that you will not achieve this goal.

Instead, you should have a well-defined plan and preparation before embarking on climbing Mt. Everest.

Time-Bounded means that your goal should have a starting date but most importantly, it should have an end date.

The above definition of SMART goal is a brief guideline on how to properly frame and formulate our goals.

Try to formulate one of your goals this 2021 with the above guidelines.

Again, have a pleasant and productive day!

Daily Small wins